Industrial supply

We plan and optimize supply systems and infrastructures for maximum productivity, reliability and efficiency.

Efficient and future-proof industrial solutions

Industrial plants for mechanical engineering, automotive and electronics production as well as chemical and food processing or laboratories in the pharmaceutical sector require high-quality, fail-safe and efficient solutions for their technical supply systems. As a competent and experienced partner for projects in the industrial sector, we comprehensively analyze, plan, monitor and document plant engineering construction and conversion projects. Our services in the industrial supply sector include

  • Inventories

    Everything in view

    A thorough inventory forms the foundation for every existing building project. It enables a precise analysis of the existing situation and serves as a starting point for further planning and decision-making processes.

    Our services include

    System inventory: We create a comprehensive inventory of your technical systems and facilities to obtain an overview of their type, condition and functionality. This includes, for example, heating and ventilation systems, electrical installations and sanitary facilities.

    Building surveys: We carry out detailed surveys of buildings to gather information about their structure, equipment and condition. This includes floor plans, sections, facades and structural engineering.

    Condition assessment: Based on the recorded data, we carry out a condition assessment to evaluate the current condition of the property or facility. This includes identifying defects, damage and renovation requirements as well as deriving recommendations for action.

    Data management: We ensure that the collected data is efficiently managed and documented to enable quick and easy access.

  • Feasibility studies

    Recognizing opportunities, finding ways

    Feasibility studies are a crucial step in the planning and implementation of any project. They provide an in-depth analysis and assessment of feasible opportunities and potential challenges before a project is taken forward.

    Our services include:

    Project requirements analysis: We conduct a thorough analysis of your project objectives, requirements and constraints to develop a clear understanding of the vision and framework.

    Technical feasibility: We assess the technical feasibility of your project, taking into account engineering and design aspects. We identify potential technical challenges and opportunities for innovation.

    Economic evaluation: A thorough economic evaluation is crucial to determine the profitability and financial viability of your project. We conduct cost-benefit analyses and risk assessments to make informed investment decisions.

    Legal and regulatory review: We examine all legal and regulatory aspects of your project to ensure that it complies with applicable regulations and standards. This includes approval procedures, environmental requirements and construction law.

  • Refurbishment & conversion concepts

    Old becomes new

    Refurbishment and conversion concepts are crucial for reactivating existing buildings and facilities, optimizing their use and increasing their value. We offer tailor-made solutions and creative concepts to modernize your properties and adapt them to the requirements of the future.

    Our services include

    Inventory analysis: we carry out a thorough analysis of your existing buildings and facilities to assess their condition, structure and potential. On this basis, we develop tailor-made renovation and conversion concepts that meet your individual requirements.

    Revitalization: We develop holistic revitalization concepts to increase the value of your properties and enhance their attractiveness. This includes modernizing building shells, improving energy efficiency, renovating interiors and designing attractive outdoor areas.

    Conversion: We support you in converting existing buildings and facilities in order to open up new potential uses and increase their profitability. We take into account urban planning, legal and economic aspects and develop innovative concepts that make the most of your property's potential.

    Sustainability: Sustainability is a key issue in refurbishment and conversion concepts. We rely on energy-efficient technologies and environmentally friendly design concepts to modernize your properties sustainably and secure them for the long term.

    Cost-effectiveness: We develop refurbishment and conversion concepts that are economically viable and create added value in the long term. Through a holistic cost-benefit analysis and transparent project planning, we ensure that your investments are sustainable and profitable.

  • Energy & supply concepts

    Sustainable concepts for a green future

    Efficient energy and supply concepts are crucial for the sustainability and profitability of construction and infrastructure projects. We offer tailor-made solutions and innovative concepts to optimize your energy requirements, cut costs and reduce environmental impact.

    Our services include

    Energy efficiency consulting: we analyze your energy consumption and develop tailor-made concepts to increase energy efficiency.

    Supply concepts: We plan and optimize your energy and supply systems to ensure a reliable and sustainable energy supply. In doing so, we take into account the requirements of your project as well as economic, ecological and legal framework conditions.

    Sustainable energy sources: We support you in the use of renewable energies. By integrating sustainable energy sources, we reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to climate protection.

    Energy management: We implement effective energy management systems to monitor, analyze and optimize your energy consumption. Through continuous monitoring and reporting, we identify potential savings and support you in implementing efficiency measures.

    Grid integration: We plan and design the integration of your energy and supply systems into existing grid infrastructures. In doing so, we ensure efficient use of existing resources and smooth cooperation with grid operators and supply companies.

  • Plant and CFD simulations

    Virtual realities, real successes

    Plant and CFD simulations are powerful tools for optimizing the performance, efficiency and safety of buildings and technical systems.

    Our services include:

    Plant simulations: We simulate complex technical systems such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems to optimize their performance and energy efficiency. Through detailed modeling and analysis, we identify potential for improvement and develop tailor-made solutions.

    CFD simulations: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) enables the precise analysis of flow and temperature distributions in buildings and systems. We use CFD simulations to evaluate air flow, heat transfer and air quality and to optimize thermal comfort levels.

    Fire and smoke simulations: We perform fire and smoke simulations to analyze the behavior of fire and smoke in buildings and evaluate the effectiveness of fire protection measures. Through precise modeling, we support you in the development of safe evacuation strategies and fire protection concepts.

    Energy and sustainability analyses: We carry out comprehensive energy and sustainability analyses to assess the energy consumption, CO2 emissions and environmental footprint of your buildings and facilities. Based on the results, we develop strategies to improve energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact.

  • Profitability analyses

    Figures, data, success

    Profitability analyses are an indispensable tool for evaluating investment projects and making decisions in the construction industry. We offer comprehensive profitability analyses to give you sound insights into the profitability, cost structures and risks of your construction projects.

    Our services include:

    Investment appraisal: We carry out detailed appraisals to analyze the profitability of projects and assess potential risks and opportunities. We take into account all relevant factors such as investment costs and operating costs.

    Cost-benefit analyses: We prepare comprehensive cost-benefit analyses to show the financial impact of projects and evaluate alternative courses of action. By taking costs, benefits, risks and uncertainties into account, we support you in making well-founded decisions.

    Risk analyses: We identify potential risks and uncertainties that could affect the profitability of a project and develop strategies to minimize and manage risks.

    Scenario analyses: We carry out scenario analyses to examine various development options and future scenarios and assess their impact on the profitability of a project. By simulating different scenarios, we support you in developing robust and flexible business strategies.

  • General and specialist planning 3D, BIM

    Innovation through expertise

    Refurbishment and conversion concepts are crucial for reactivating existing buildings and facilities, optimizing their use and increasing their value. We offer tailor-made solutions and creative concepts to modernize your properties and adapt them to the requirements of the future.

    Our services include

    General planning: we take overall responsibility for the planning, coordination and implementation of your construction project. From the initial idea to the turnkey handover, we coordinate all specialist areas and ensure that everything runs smoothly.

    Specialist planning: We offer specialized technical planning in the areas of supply engineering, electrical engineering building automation and more. Our experts develop tailor-made solutions that meet the highest quality standards and fulfill the specific requirements of your project.

    BIM modelling: We use Building Information Modeling (BIM) to digitally plan, visualize and manage your projects. By creating a digital building model, we enable efficient collaboration, precise planning and transparent communication.

    Sustainable planning: Sustainability is a central aspect of our planning philosophy. We integrate energy-efficient technologies and sustainable design concepts to ensure the ecological, economic and social sustainability of your projects.

  • Construction supervision & controlling

    For a smooth process

    We understand the importance of effective monitoring and control during the construction process to ensure that your projects are completed on time, on budget and to the highest quality standards.

    Our services include:

    On-site construction supervision: We ensure that construction plans are implemented according to technical specifications. Our experts continuously monitor construction progress, identify potential problems at an early stage and take proactive measures to resolve them.

    Quality control: We are regularly on site to ensure that all construction work meets the agreed quality standards. Through detailed inspections, we minimize the risk of defects and ensure the long-term reliability of your facilities.

    Cost control: Our team carefully monitors budget developments throughout the construction process. We identify potential cost overruns at an early stage and implement effective cost control measures to ensure that your project is implemented economically.

    Schedule management: Adherence to schedules is critical to the success of any construction project. We develop detailed schedules, closely monitor construction progress and proactively intervene when necessary to ensure your project is completed on time.

    Documentation and reporting: We provide comprehensive reports on construction progress, quality standards, cost development and scheduling. These reports provide you with a transparent and detailed overview of the status of your project and enable you to make informed decisions.

  • Cost & deadline management

    Time is money

    Cost and schedule management are crucial to the success of any construction project. We ensure that your project is completed on time and on budget.

    Our services include

    Cost control: we monitor the development of project costs from start to finish. Through detailed cost control and regular reviews, we minimize the risk of cost overruns and ensure that your project is implemented economically.

    Schedule management: Adherence to schedules is crucial to the success of any construction project. We develop detailed schedules that take all project phases into account and monitor construction progress. If necessary, we proactively intervene to avoid delays and ensure that your project is completed on time.

    Risk management: We identify potential risks at an early stage and develop strategies to minimize them. Through comprehensive risk analysis and assessment, we ensure that your project stays on track even in the event of unforeseen events.

    Transparent reporting: We keep you regularly informed about the status of cost and schedule developments. Transparent reports and documentation give you a clear overview of the progress of your project and enable you to make informed decisions.

  • Project management & project control

    Strategic management, efficient realization

    Effective project management and precise project control are crucial to the success of any construction project. We ensure that your projects are completed on time, on budget and to the highest quality standards.

    Our services include:

    Project planning and organization: we develop detailed project plans and organize all aspects of your project, from resource planning and scheduling to risk assessment. Our experienced project managers ensure that your project is on track from the outset.

    Project monitoring and control: We continuously monitor the progress of your project and control costs, schedules and quality. Through regular reporting and analysis, we identify potential problems at an early stage and take proactive measures to resolve them.

    Risk management: We identify and assess potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate and manage them. Our experts support you in minimizing risks and ensuring the safety and stability of your project.

    Communication : We maintain open and transparent communication with all project stakeholders to ensure smooth collaboration. We keep you regularly informed about the progress of the project and are available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

    Quality management: We attach great importance to maintaining the highest quality standards in all phases of your project. Our experts continuously monitor the quality of work and implement effective quality control measures to ensure that your requirements are met.

  • Client representation & quality assurance

    Trust in expert hands

    As your trusted partner, we provide client representation and comprehensive quality assurance to ensure your project is completed on time, on budget and to the highest quality.

    Our services include:

    Clientrepresentation: as your client representatives, we represent your interests to all project stakeholders, contractors and authorities. We coordinate and monitor the entire construction process to ensure that your requirements and wishes are fully implemented.

    Quality management: We attach great importance to maintaining the highest quality standards throughout the entire construction process. Our experts carry out regular quality checks and inspections to ensure that all work is carried out professionally and meets the agreed quality requirements.

  • Structured system documentation

    Organized from A to Z

    Structured system documentation is crucial for the efficient operation, maintenance and repair of technical systems and buildings. We create and maintain structured plant documentation to ensure that all relevant information is accessible and up-to-date at all times.

    Our services include

    Documentation creation: we create comprehensive plant documentation that contains all relevant information on your technical plants and buildings. This includes technical drawings, plans, specifications, operating instructions, maintenance instructions and certificates.

    Structuring and organization: We structure and organize the plant documentation according to a clear and uniform scheme to enable easy navigation and searching.

    Digitization and data management: We support you with the digitization of your plant documentation and the introduction of digital data management solutions.

    Updating and maintenance: We keep your plant documentation up to date by promptly recording and incorporating changes and updates. Through regular reviews and revisions, we ensure that your documentation is always up-to-date and complete.

Customized solutions for special requirements

Our expertise includes special systems and specific specialist disciplines such as supply and disposal technology for factories, halls and laboratories as well as test bench planning for the automotive and aviation industries. We are also adept at planning laboratory, measuring and clean room systems for production and research. With a clear focus on efficiency and safety, we develop customized solutions and we are ready to tackle new challenges.

Smooth coordination of industrial supply is crucial.

Our customers are developers, owners and operators of real estate whose areas of activity include production, research and development, laboratories, measurement technology, calibration, logistics and administration. In their facilities, smooth coordination of the various areas of industrial supply is crucial. Our teams of experts are at their side and provide support for all technical trades and HOAI system groups of technical equipment, similar to the MEPC sector.