Facility Management

Our facility management services structure and optimize your properties.

Innovative solutions for complex requirements

The dynamic nature of the real estate industry requires continuous adaptation to business requirements and trends. This constantly creates new challenges and tasks for facility management. We accompany this development process and offer both consulting and support services.

  • Operator obligations and inventory data

    Determining and analyzing operator obligations and inventory data is crucial for the safe and efficient operation of systems and buildings. This task includes the collection and evaluation of all relevant inventory data, the identification of legal and regulatory requirements and the review of existing infrastructure and systems. The aim is to ensure compliance with all operator obligations, minimize risks and optimize operations. Through a thorough analysis, necessary measures to improve and adapt operational processes can be identified and implemented.

  • Implementation and operating concepts

    The development of implementation and operating concepts includes the planning and execution of strategies that are necessary for the successful introduction and ongoing operation of plants and systems. These concepts include the detailed elaboration of technical, organizational and financial aspects. The aim is to ensure smooth implementation and optimize long-term operation. This includes the definition of processes, staff training, compliance with safety and quality standards and the continuous monitoring and adjustment of operating procedures.

  • Savings management and service controlling

    The implementation of savings management and service controlling aims to optimize the costs and efficiency of services and operating processes. This includes the introduction of strategies to reduce operating costs, the monitoring of service quality and the analysis and adaptation of processes. Systematic savings management ensures that resources are used efficiently, while service controlling ensures that the services provided meet the defined standards and objectives. The aim is to continuously improve the efficiency and quality of operations.

  • Introduction of CAFM systems

    The introduction of computer-aided facility management (CAFM) systems aims to optimize the management and operation of buildings and facilities. This process includes the selection of suitable software, the integration of inventory data and staff training. CAFM systems enable maintenance work to be planned efficiently, resources to be managed better and operating costs to be reduced. They also provide real-time information and enable transparent and traceable documentation of all facility management activities. The aim is to improve the efficiency and quality of building management and ensure sustainable operational management in the long term.

  • BIM in CAFM

    The transfer of data from Building Information Modeling (BIM) to Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) systems is a crucial process for optimizing building and facility management. Detailed planning and construction data is extracted from the BIM model and integrated into the CAFM system to enable centralized and efficient management. This integration facilitates maintenance, servicing and operational management by providing real-time information and comprehensive data. The aim is to increase the efficiency, transparency and quality of facility management and reduce operating costs.

  • Facility service tenders

    The preparation and support of facility service tenders covers the entire process chain from the needs analysis to the awarding of services. This includes defining the service requirements, preparing detailed tender documents and evaluating the bids received. The aim is to select the most suitable providers that meet the desired requirements in order to guarantee the desired high quality. A structured and transparent tendering process ensures that legal and organizational requirements are met, thereby ensuring long-term and sustainable facility management solutions.

  • Energy management concepts

    The development of energy management concepts involves the systematic analysis and optimization of the energy consumption of buildings and facilities. This process includes the recording and evaluation of energy flows, the identification of potential savings and the planning and implementation of efficient measures to reduce energy consumption. The aim is to reduce operating costs, minimize environmental impact and meet legal requirements. By using modern technologies and methods, sustainable and economical energy solutions are developed that contribute to improving energy efficiency and performance in the long term.

  • Life cycle cost analysis

    The implementation of life cycle cost assessments is essential for a comprehensive economic evaluation of buildings and facilities. This involves assessing the costs of operating technical systems over their entire life cycle. This consideration includes the manufacturing and maintenance costs through to possible replacement. The aim is to make well-founded decisions that take into account both acquisition and operating costs in order to develop efficient and sustainable solutions in the long term.

  • Energy inspections

    The implementation of energy inspections includes not only the fulfilment of legal requirements for the performance of operator obligations, but also the detailed inspection and analysis of components that optimize the efficiency of ventilation and air conditioning systems in buildings. This process takes into account changes in use and changes in the physical conditions of the building. Energy consumption is assessed, potential savings are identified and reports are drawn up with recommendations for improving the energy efficiency of the equipment. The aim is to achieve effective measures to reduce energy consumption through targeted inspections and measurements. By complying with legal regulations and using modern technologies, sustainable energy savings are achieved that contribute to the long-term optimization of building efficiency.

Life for buildings

Our expertise in facility management covers a broad spectrum. Our approach goes beyond simply managing your properties. With tailor-made solutions, we ensure efficient operating processes and sustainable building performance. Our experts analyze your individual needs and develop tailor-made strategies that reduce costs and improve the quality and security of your properties.

Facility management over the entire life cycle

From planning and construction, through use and maintenance, to renovation or demolition - each stage requires specific measures. Our holistic approach ensures that your property is optimally managed at every stage and retains its value in the long term.