In cooperation with HILTI Deutschland AG and accompanied by representatives from Material Prüfanstalt für das Bauwesen Brunswick (MPA BS) and Dehn, Kruse Brandschutzingenieuren, our Fire Protection & Fastening Technology Trade Day took place today. More than 50 planners and CAD/BIM designers from the @IMF locations learnt about the state of the art, new products and developments. For our organiser Marcel Alscher, the dialogue and exchange of experience was at the top of the agenda. At four dialogue stations, HILTI representatives Aaron Harbring, Claus Sonntag, Jochen Vorholt, Philipp Kürkemyer and Marko Srdanovic presented innovative solutions and industry-specific products from the fields of fire protection and fastening technology. Expert contributions from Christian Maertins (MPA BS) and Benjamin Becker, Dehn, Kruse Brandschutzingenieure complemented the exciting programme and the professional exchange. The location, catering and service from Drübeck Monastery were great as always.
A big thank you to all speakers, partners and participants!