New office building at the harbor in Münster


Customer | Client

Medical care Westphalia-Lippe


HOAI Phasen 1 bis 3, 6 bis 7
Leistungen Heizungs-, Lüftungs-, Sanitär-, Kältetechnik sowie Elektro-, MSR- und Sprinklertechnik


KGR 400 8.300.000 € netto
Planung 08/2020 bis 10/2021
Ausführung 01/2022 bis 06/2024

Development and planning

Goal: DGNB PLATIN certification
a floor area of approx. 13.300 m²
Planning of all building technology
Planning of e-mobility, high-voltage systems, intercom systems, fire alarm systems, elevator systems, media technology and sun protection
Creation of a fire matrix
Planning the network technology, emergency power system and access control system as well as the data center