New daycare centre in
Hessisch Lichtenau


Customers | Client

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Werra-Meißner e. V.


HOAI Phases 1 to 9
Services sanitary, heating, ventilation, high and low voltage technology


KGR 400 approx. 920,000 € net
Planning 09/2020 to 03/2022
Execution 04/2022 to 05/2023

Development and planning

New construction of a day care center with 5 groups (1,500 m² gross floor area)
Planning of an air-to-water heat pump cascade system with approx. 70 kW for the entire heat supply of the building
Child-friendly sanitary areas and underfloor heating with heating and cooling functions
Central ventilation system with heat recovery for ventilating group rooms and cafeteria, accompanied by BAFA funding application
Installation of a PV system approx. 100 kWp
Building alarm with comprehensive monitoring